First Cares
“They will know you are my disciples by the love you show one another”

Your donation goes a long way at First AME Church…

Afterschool Program
We provide dozens of children with a safe place to play, get homework help, learn and eat — all for free! This program is not underwritten by any type of grant, only the donations of benevolent individuals like yourself.

Food Pantry
Reaching over 10,000 individuals and families every year, we are proud to provide groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables to those who are less fortunate. Our stellar team of volunteers works tirelessly to not only distribute food but also to make everyone feel welcome at our church.

Open Gym
For over five decades, yes, 50 years, we have opened our gym to the youth of the community. Your contribution helps us provide a quality facility and equipment for recreational use.

Every year we give away thousands of dollars in scholarship money to support our college attendees. With the rise costs of college tuition, this have become an even more vital ministry than ever before.

School Supplies
From Backpacks to pencils, we provide as much as we can to make sure your young students are equipped and prepared for each school year. Even the smallest donation helps buy another utensil for a child attending school.

Meal Delivery
On various holidays, our Women’s Missionary Society delivers hot holiday meals to those who may otherwise have not. This is not only about providing meals, but also encouraging our sick and shut-in by reminding them that we remember them and care.